Well, we've reached the half way mark! Half of this horrible time is behind us... pretty soon we'll be able to start counting down...
I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has been so faithful to us... those who've driven all the hard miles to see dad, those who've written him, those who've stayed updated through the blog, and those who've been praying for him and our family. I cannot express how much it means to all of us and dad. You guys have been so great. Thank you.
Romans 8:38---------------->
So, not really a whole lot to update on... things have been a little crazier at visits lately. The guards are doing everything they can to make visits as short and cheerless as they can. They've changed how we wait in line (which may not seem like much, but trust me, it's a disaster). Some of the guards are nice and understand what we all go through and they are a blessing to us, but so many of them try to do anything and everything they can to make visiting time as miserable as possible... we're working on getting things done but all we can really do is write letters and that doesn't seem to be getting us too far.

<--------------Matthew 6:12 , 14
But other than that, dad is doing okay. Again, time is passing, and that is a blessing indeed. He's been spending a lot of time in the leather shop and he's made some really beautiful things! I've attached a couple of pictures of purses and key rings he's made me.

<--------------One is called a patch purse (used from patches of scrap leather)
The other is an Alabama football purse he made me for my birthday.

It's helping him pass time... it's just very expensive and since mom and dad can't afford it, Brit and I are paying for the leather. It makes him happy to have something to do he enjoys and he makes things to give us which makes him feel better too because he feels like it's something he can give back to us.
Me, mom, Grandad, and Brit are going to see him this weekend. Please say a quick prayer that the visit goes better this time than the last one... Again thank you for all you do...
Keep Jeff Pierson in your prayers!
Here's a few more things he's made: