I know that everyone has problems and trails they face everyday in their lives and that my family and I are not the only ones suffering. It seems that whenever I get down, God shows me that even though times are hard, that I am still blessed. Just the other day I was thinking about everything I have been through and was having a crying fest/pity party while driving down the road. I was asking God why it has to be so hard... Just as I came around a corner I saw a girl about my age, knelt down on her knees, crying hysterically in front of a side road cross. As I passed her, our eyes met. I have never in my life seen eyes so sad.... I believe it was God's way of reminding me that even though times are hard, they could always be worse. I know that even though it seems like forever, one day my family will be reunited again; I haven't truly lost my dad, I just have to wait a while to have him home again. Everyday since, when I get down on life, that poor girls face floods my mind and I remember what God's word tells us; living as one of his children will not make life easier, it will merely give us hope and faith in knowing that the trails of this world will just make Heaven all the more wonderful. It isn't always easy to remember, but I can not tell you how glad I am that I do have the hope of beautiful eternity with no pain, suffering, or tears.

Thank you all for being supportive and helping me, my dad, and our family lean on your strength and kind words to help get us through. Again, if any of you is seeking prayer, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for all you do.
Love in Christ,
Keep Jeff Pierson in your prayers!!